
根据搜索结果,45SSL.com 提供了多种类型的SSL证书,具体包括:

  1. 域名验证(DV)SSL证书:这是最基本的SSL证书类型,仅验证域名所有权,适用于个人网站、博客和小型企业。
  2. 组织验证(OV)SSL证书:除了验证域名所有权外,还需要验证网站所有单位的真实身份,适用于中小型企业、电子商务平台和需要增强用户信任度的网站。
  3. 扩展验证(EV)SSL证书:这是最高级别的SSL证书,除了验证域名所有权和组织的真实性,还需要进行详细的背景调查,适用于大型企业、金融机构、政府机构和电子商务平台等对安全性要求极高的场景。
  4. 多域名SSL证书:可以同时保护多个域名,适用于拥有多个不同域名的企业或组织。
  5. 通配符SSL证书:可以覆盖一个域名及其所有下一级域名,适用于拥有多个子域名的企业或组织。
  6. 单域名SSL证书:仅能保护一个域名,适用于单个域名且后续无计划添加新域名的用户。
  7. 国密SSL证书:为满足国内合规要求,提供符合国家标准的国密算法SSL证书,适用于需要符合国内密码安全政策的政府和企业。

这些证书类型覆盖了不同用户的需求,从基础的域名验证到更高级别的组织和扩展验证,以及针对多域名和子域名的解决方案,45SSL.com 提供了全面的SSL证书服务。


  1. GlobalSign:GlobalSign是一家声誉高、备受信赖的CA中心和SSL数字证书提供商,服务超过14万用户。GlobalSign所颁发的SSL证书具有2048位防解密,支持128位至256位SSL加密级别;兼容性高,通用所有浏览器、服务器及各式移动设备;支持通配型SSL证书、SANS证书及签名证书等特点。
  2. DigiCert:DigiCert是可信数字证书颁发机构,通过强大的加密功能和严格的身份认证,保护着全世界超过50万台服务器的安全。
  3. Sectigo(原Comodo CA):Sectigo是全球SSL证书市场占有率最高的CA公司,目前将近40%的SSL证书用户选择了Sectigo。Sectigo的产品安全,价格低,深受用户欢迎。
  4. GeoTrust:GeoTrust是DigiCertSecureSite旗下的性价比品牌。该公司各种专业的技术使得中小型机构和公司能安全地低成本地部署SSL数字证书和实现各种身份认证,从而确保数据传输的安全。
  5. Symantec:Symantec SSL证书前身为Verisign,后于2017年12月被DigiCert收购,现在已经使用DigiCert根证书。
  1. Certum:Certum是波兰的网络安全认证机构,Certum SSL证书自2002年就已经通过了基于WebTrust的审查,成为可信的SSL证书,代码签名证书的认证机构。
  2. Thawte:Thawte SSL证书目前在SSL市场中份额较大,Thawte致力于为用户提供可靠的SSL证书和服务,质优价廉。
  3. CFCA:作为国内电子认证服务机构,严格按照国际标准提供电子认证服务,并结合我国国情,在密码算法、安全技术服务等方面兼容国际和国产算法。


一张SSL证书确实可以用于多个域名。这种类型的SSL证书被称为多域名SSL证书,也称为SAN(Subject Alternative Name)SSL证书或UCC(Unified Communications Certificates)。使用多域名SSL证书,您可以在一张证书下添加多个不同的域名,使其同时受到保护。例如,如果您的主域名是example.com,那么您可以添加如下域名:

  • blog.example.com
  • shop.example.com
  • www.example.org
  • anydomain.com



In 2024, obtaining a free SSL certificate with a half-year validity period can be achieved through several methods. Here's a concise overview of how you can secure one:

  1. Let's Encrypt: Although Let's Encrypt typically offers certificates with a 90-day validity, you can renew them to effectively cover a half-year period. Use automation tools like Certbot to simplify the process of obtaining and renewing certificates.
  2. 阿里云 (Alibaba Cloud): Alibaba Cloud provides a free SSL certificate application process, allowing users to apply for up to 20 free single-domain SSL certificates, each valid for 3 months. You can renew these certificates to cover a half-year period.
  3. JoySSL: Despite the shift away from year-long free SSL certificates in the cloud services, JoySSL continues to offer free SSL certificates for government and educational editions with a validity of up to one year, which can also be used for half-year coverage.
  4. Buypass: Buypass is a Certificate Authority that offers free SSL certificates with a validity of 180 days, which aligns with a half-year period and supports automatic renewal.
  5. ZeroSSL: ZeroSSL provides free SSL certificates that are similar to Let's Encrypt but with a more user-friendly interface and additional features. You can obtain a certificate with a 90-day validity and set up automatic renewals.
  6. SSL For Free: Based on Let's Encrypt, SSL For Free offers a simple interface to generate and download free SSL certificates, which can be renewed every 90 days to maintain coverage for a half-year.
  7. Freenom: Freenom offers free domain registration services and supports obtaining free SSL certificates through services like Let's Encrypt, which can be renewed every 90 days.
  8. Get HTTPS for Free: This tool simplifies the process of generating Let's Encrypt certificates with a user-friendly interface, allowing you to obtain and renew certificates every 90 days.
  9. Google Cloud Platform (GCP): GCP offers free SSL certificates through Google Cloud Load Balancing service, which can be used for a half-year period before needing renewal.
  10. Community-driven Initiatives: Some online communities and forums may offer free SSL certificates or guide you on how to obtain them, often with community support.

By leveraging these methods, you can secure a free SSL certificate for your website with a half-year validity period, ensuring your site's security and maintaining user trust without incurring additional costs.