

6月27日,Google的安全团队宣布将在Chrome127及更高的版本中,不再信任自2024年11月1日以后签发的Entrust SSL证书。但在2024年10月31日以前签发的证书依然会被信任,能够继续正常工作。据悉,这一决定和Mozilla在今年3月到5月间发现Entrust存在的一系列安全错误有关,Entrust在这一系列错误中未能及时提出更正意见或解决问题,导致了Google的这项决定:
EV TLS Certificate cPSuri missing
Failed to provide a preliminary incident report according to TLS BR 4.9.5

CPR was not responded to in 24 hours

Delayed revocation of EV TLS certificates with missing cPSuri

EV Certificate missing Issuer’s EV Policy OID

Delay in Updating CPS

Failure to revoke EV TLS certificates issued before CPS update

clientAuth TLS Certificates without serverAuth EKU

Delayed revocation of clientAuth TLS Certificates without serverAuth EKU

CPS typographical (text placement) error

Delayed incident report - CPS typographical (text placement) error

Not updating Problem Reporting Mechanism fields in CCADB

OCSP response signed with SHA-1

CRL non-conformance with the TLS BRs

默认情况下,Chrome127及以后的版本,在验证到以下 Entrust 根的 TLS 服务器身份验证证书(其最早签名证书时间戳 (SCT) 的日期在 2024 年 10 月 31 日之后)将不再受信任。

CN = Entrust Root Certification Authority - EC1

CN = Entrust Root Certification Authority - G2

CN = Certification Authority (2048)

CN = Entrust Root Certification Authority

CN = Entrust Root Certification Authority - G4

CN = AffirmTrust Commercial

CN = AffirmTrust Networking

CN = AffirmTrust Premium

CN = AffirmTrust Premium ECC

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